Corporate, Partnership And Member Disputes
Balanced, Effective Counsel For Bay Area Business Owners, Partners And Investors
Whenever multiple people have invested money, time, energy — or a life’s worth of all of these — into a business enterprise, serious disputes can arise. Long-standing partners may no longer see eye-to-eye on their company’s direction and financial management. Shareholders may have reason to suspect a director or CEO of self-dealing or a breach of fiduciary duty.
In such situations, you need legal counsel that is experienced, balanced, and prepared to vigorously protect your rights.
Total Alignment With Your Goals · Put Our Negotiating And Trial Experience To Work For You
We have the knowledge in-house to evaluate your potential claims, defense strategies and legal options from all angles. Whether your objectives center on the protection of your interests in a partnership dissolution (sometimes called a business divorce) or resolving a problem while preserving key business relationships, we will help you make informed decisions. Lawyers at our firm are dedicated to:
- Addressing any partnership dispute, shareholder dispute, member-manager dispute within a limited liability company (LLC) or comparable matter promptly and thoroughly
- Working with you to clearly establish your goals and set realistic expectations for outcomes obtainable through negotiation or full-blown litigation
- Collaborating extensively to ensure that you always know where your case stands, any settlement option available, and the projected costs of various paths to resolution
It may be overwhelming to consider all that you have on the line in a fiduciary dispute or another legal dispute within your company. At Dunn & Panagotacos LLP, a firm serving the entire Bay Area from offices in San Francisco and Walnut Creek, our business litigation attorneys are prepared to lead an investigation, help you evaluate your options, and take your case through trial if needed. For a free consultation with an accomplished litigator at our firm, please call 415-982-2100 or send an email inquiry.

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San Francisco Office
354 Pine Street
Fifth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: 415-982-2100
Fax: 415-982-2119
Map & Directions